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Live video from Chesapeake Bay Foundation Osprey Camera camera
Hello osprey fans! Welcome to our nest cam. We hope that in the coming weeks this newly built penthouse overlooking our Merrill Center headquarters and the beautiful Bay will attract a young osprey to take up residence. Every spring, these quintessential Chesapeake birds travel thousands of miles to return to the same nests, where they reunite with their mate, breed, and fish for menhaden. Often called the "osprey garden," the Chesapeake Bay has the most concentrated population of osprey in the world! The osprey are just now arriving back in the area so keep your eyes on the cam below for an intimate look into the daily lives of these extraordinary birds. Please remember that this is no Disney film! Nature can be a cruel place, but it is our policy not to interfere with anything that goes on in the nest. We also will use our discretion to turn off the camera at any time should we choose. Interested in learning more about osprey? Listen in to our podcast, read our blog, and visit our osprey tracking map to watch them migrate! Very big thanks to BGE for helping us build this osprey nest and install a web cam so that osprey lovers like you might enjoy it.
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